March 4 Covid Map
We've updated the weekly COVID-19 alert map to reflect new data released today. We used data from the state Health Department's COVID-19 alert system, which uses a 7-day average of new cases in a county (please see below for information about this calculation). We then aligned that data with the color-coded system recommended by the state Education Department, which many districts have adopted as part of their back-to-school plans. The state Education Department criteria for the color-coded levels for orange 1, orange 2 and red differs from the health department criteria.  

Data Highlights

Key highlights from this week's new data:

  • Red counties remained at 2.
  • Orange 2 counties decreased from 12 to 6. 
  • Orange 1 counties decreased from 34 to 20.
  • Yellow counties increased from 29 to 47.
  • Green counties increased from 0 to 2.
  • See below the data resources section for detailed information about week-to-week comparisons as well as daily case counts for the past week by county, city and zip code.